Tales of the Lockdown – Episode 18 ….

… OR… ‘Dolly Pegs’ & Painted Eggs’ ……

Well, the painted eggs were courtesy of an inspirational demonstration by Sunny Eades, renowned local artist, at the May meeting of The Ridwares WI (via Zoom, naturally).  Sunny provided detailed instructions before her demonstration of how to ‘blow’ eggs – & not to waste the ‘contents’! – & different techniques that could be used to decorate them.  It is always useful to paint them in white first as this gives you a better, smoother surface to work on.  Sunny then demonstrated these techniques & created the most amazing designs, emphasising that you did not have to be a professional artist to produce these incredible results.  Well it certainly inspired us to get ‘blowing’ &  be ‘creative’!

And ‘Dolly Pegs’? … well these are the response to a ‘Presidential Challenge’  by Karen Wakefield, & certainly got the creative juices flowing!  Each member was given 2 Dolly Pegs  & just challenged to ‘decorate’.  Each one is different & a wide range of materials & ideas have been used. Keep on crafting ladies!

Interested in finding out more?  Just contact Karen Wakefield (President)… Looking forward to meeting back in person.