Cups Galore …..

There were ‘cups galore’ in evidence at the June meeting of The Ridwares WI   – well, 2 at least!

Congratulations to Karen Wakefield on being presented with The Huxley Cup at the national annual meting of The WI in Cardiff!   This is an annual national floral art competition where a member is selected to represent each County Federation and has to design & produce a piece of floral art on the day using only those flowers & other ingredients that she is given.  Karen represented Staffordshire Federation in 2017 , and will be eligible to enter again in 2019 – providing that she wins the County ballot to be their representative!

Cup number 2 was for the most points in our monthly competition, which for this month was ‘a decorated wine bottle’.  There was only 1 point in it before the results were announced, and so the trophy this year is shared by Gaye & Karen who tied on points.

That just leaves the ‘Jarbola’ jars…. Well members have risen to the challenge so far with an amazing assortment of jar-filled goodies.  Keep them coming ready for ‘Menafest’ in July!